Valid since 2.1.27 release

Upgrade Teampass to a new release

It is recommended to install the latest Teampass release when available.

Upgrade protocol

The next described protocol is a recommended one.

  • Create a dump of your database
  • Perform a zip of the current Teampass folder
  • Make a copy of teampass-seckey.txt (even if the upgrade process will perform one too)
  • Download latest package on your server
  • Unzip package into Teampass folder (could be another name) and overwrite existing files and folders,
  • Enter url http://your_domain/teampass/install/upgrade.php
  • Now follow the upgrade pages

Step 1

It's an introduction page with some recommendations.

Log in using an Administrator account.

Step 2

Some server checks are performed based upon the path. Please check that the path is correct before starting.

Step 3

This page loads the database credentials from the file /includes/config/settings.php. If you have performed changes, you will need to edit this file prior to continuing this step.

If a previous upgrade didn't stored the saltkey inside the database, a fieldset will appears asking you to enter it inside a specific password field.

You need to write the saltkey that is inside the sk.php file.

Step 4

This step permits the database update.

Step 5

This step updates configuration files


Once the previous steps are done, Teampass is now upgraded.

Upgrade from very old versions

The next chapters will provide some tips in order to upgrade since version 2.1.23.

Upgrade to

  • Run SQL query: ALTER TABLE `teampass_misc` ADD `id` INT(12) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT FIRST, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`id`);
  • Rename the file /install/upgrade_ajax.php by /install/upgrade_ajax_original.php
  • Get the file upgrade_ajax_for_2.1.23.4.php, store it in folder /install and rename it /install/upgrade_ajax.php
  • Perform upgrade
  • Check that everything works as expected (think to clear your browser cache)

Upgrade to

  • Before starting the upgrade, run the SQL query: ALTER TABLE `teampass_items` CHANGE `pw_len` `pw_len` INT(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; ;
  • Perform upgrade
  • Check that everything works as expected (think to clear your browser cache)

Upgrade to

  • Before starting the upgrade, run the SQL query: INSERT INTO `teampass_misc` (`id`, `type`, `intitule`, `valeur`) VALUES (NULL, 'admin', 'encryption_protocol', 'ctr');
  • Perform upgrade
  • Check that everything works as expected (think to clear your browser cache)

Upgrade to 2.1.26-final-3

  • Perform upgrade
  • Check that everything works as expected (think to clear your browser cache)

Upgrade to 2.1.27.(latest)

  • Before starting the upgrade, run the SQL query: ALTER TABLE `teampass_misc` CHANGE `id` `increment_id` INT(12) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;
  • Perform upgrade
  • Check that everything works as expected (think to clear your browser cache)

Following those steps will permit your to get your data in the latest version of Teampass.