
Custom Fields is a feature permitting to define your own fields. With the high level of customization, you can define the exact configuration that fits your needs.

The Custom Fields are created inside Custom Category which are associated to Folders.

As an example, consider a Folder called "Credit Cards". You may want to create a Custom Category called Credit Cards including 2 Custom Fields called PIN and Expiration date. Based on this, the 2 Custom Fields will be displayed for each Item stored in the folder Credit Cards.


Custom Fields is a feature that needs to be enabled before being used. For this,

  • open Settings page
  • select tab Options
  • enable option Custom item fields enabled

    Notice that you can create Custom Categories and Fields even if the option is not enabled. The option only impact the display of those categories.


The GUI is made of 2 zones.


The first one shows a Tree made of the Categories and the related Fields.

The second one is dedicated for Categories management (with specific actions).

Add a new Category

Enter the label of Category and click Add Category button. This new Category will be added in the Tree in alphabetic order.

Rename and Delete

Those 2 actions are performed the same way. Do:

  • select the Category (its name should be added in the text box),
  • modify the label (in case of a renaming action),
  • click the button corresponding to your action

    Notice that when deleting a Category, all attached Fields are deleted, as all the values in the Database related the Items.

Move a Field

You can decide to move the Fields from one Category to another. Do:

  • select the Category (its name should be added in the text box),
  • select the Category target (with the drop list),
  • click the button.

Organize the Categories

You can decide to organize the Categories in a customer order. For this use the small text box in front of the label and enter a number. The Categories will be sorted by number as primary criteria and by alphabetic as second criteria.

Associate a Folder to a Category

You need to relate the Category to Folders. for this,

  • use the Tree
  • click the icon Associated folders
  • select the Folders you want (multiple selection is possible)
  • click OK button to confirm

The Folders are now associated to the select Category.

Manage Fields

The Fields are managed through the bottom box.

The exact same feature described above are valid for Fields. The unique difference concerns the Field creation.

Add a new Field

Adding a new field in a Category is performed as this:

  • use the Tree,
  • spot the Category you want to improve,
  • click the icon +,
  • enter the label of the field,
  • confirm with the button


Notice that when creating a new sub-folder of a Folder that is associated to Custom Fields categories, this new folder will inherit of those categories.