
The Teampass API permits an access to Teampass databse from a third party application.

The call is performed with a GET query and sends back the data at json format.

This page describes how to write data.

"Note:" In this page, <valid api key> is the API key you received from your administrator.

Add new Item

Adding a new Item is done through URL:

<url to teampass>/api/index.php/add/item/<label>;<password>;<description>;<folder id>;<login>;<email>;<url>;<tags>;<any one can modify>?apikey=<valid api key>

<label>;<password>;<description>;<folder id>;<login>;<email>;<url>;<tags>;<any one can modify> send as a base64 encoding string. The separator symbol is the semi-column ;.

Some limitations:

  • tags field can be used for multiple tags and they need to be separated by a space.
  • any one can modify is a boolean and accepts value 1 for TRUE and value 0 for FALSE.

Notice that if a similar Label exists, the add request will fail.

The answer sent back looks like this:

    "status" : "item added",
    "new_item_id" : "54"

Update an Item

Updating an existing Item is done through URL:

<url to teampass>/api/index.php/update/item/<item_id>/<label>;<password>;<description>;<folder_id>;<login>;<email>;<url>;<tags>;<any one can modify>?apikey=<valid api key>

With <label>;<password>;<description>;<folder_id>;<login>;<email>;<url>;<tags>;<any one can modify> send as a base64 encoding string. The separator symbol is the semi-column ;.


<url to teampass>/api/index.php/update/item/2/TW90b3JvbGEuY29tO01vdG9yb2xhLmNvbTtNb3Rvcm9sYSBjdXN0b21lciBwb3J0YWw7MjtKZWFuLVBhdWw7anAubWF1cmljZUBnbWFpbC5jb207aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubW90b3JvbGEuY29tO3Rlc3QgbW90b3JvbGEgcG9ydGFsIGN1c3RvbWVyOzA?apikey=eevu1Aed0aiN4Phee9xaeshu2athool3iek2ahy

where the base64 encoded string is made of Motorola.com;Motorola.com;Motorola customer portal;2;Jean-Paul;jp.maurice@gmail.com;https://www.motorola.com;test motorola portal customer;0.

Delete an Item

Deleting an Item is done through URL:

<url to teampass>/api/index.php/delete/item/<item_id1>;<item_id2>?apikey=<valid api key>

The separator symbol is the semi-column ;.

The answer would be OK if succeeded or the error if failed.

Add new Folder

Adding a new Folder is done through URL:

<url to teampass>/api/index.php/add/folder/<title>;<complexity_level>;<parent_id>;<renewal_period>;<personal>?apikey=<valid api key>


  • <title>;<complexity_level>;<parent_id>;<renewal_period>;<personal> send as a base64 encoding string. The separator symbol is the semi-column ;.
  • <complexity_level> is selected between the next values [0, 25, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]
  • <personal> takes 0 if public. It takes 1 if it is a personal folder, and in this case <title> must be <user_id>.
  • <parent_id> takes 0 if it is root level.

Notice that Users will not have access to this new folder. It will be requested to set the expected access rights on it.

The answer sent back looks like this:

    "status" : "folder created",
    "new_folder_id" : "54"

Update a Folder

Updating an existing Folder is done through URL:

<url to teampass>/api/index.php/update/folder/<folder_id>/<title>;<complexity_level>;<renewal_period>?apikey=<valid api key>


  • <title>;<complexity_level>;<renewal_period> send as a base64 encoding string. The separator symbol is the semi-column ;.
  • <complexity_level> is selected between the next values [0, 25, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]

Delete a Folder

Deleting a Folder is done through URL:

<url to teampass>/api/index.php/delete/folder/<folder_id1>;<folder_id2>?apikey=<valid api key>

The separator symbol is the semi-column ;.

The answer would be OK if succeeded or the error if failed.